Friday, 27 September 2019

Number 28 contune the story

Thump…Thump…Thump…His footsteps thundered down the road, causing passers-by to stare in amazement, dogs to howl in back yards and alarmed old ladies to peer out of their bedroom windows wearing petrified looks on their faces.

His legs were as long as oak trees, his torso was as wide as a house and his fists were as heavy as tractors: this metallic monster meant business .
“Number 28 checking in. Over.” He spoke into the radio set, built in to his helmet.His instructions crackled back through the earpiece. He knew what he had to do. 

He could tell that the villagers  thought that he was a bad guy by the the looks on their faces , but no, just because he looks like an evil robot when he was not dose not mean the he was mean! The only reason he was there was because there was a tornado a few days ago and it wrecked  the whole city of Mexico he was  here to help fix the city! Mexico was known for there horrible tornado's and earth quakes!

 He wanted to talk to the people to say he was not mean, but in the past when he tried to talk to people all that will come out were beep beep beep the robot started to cry big fat tears he tried to wipe them of but they just kept coming. Suddenly, a voice came out his helmet '' why have you not started to clean up'' said the voice '' sorry I will get to doing it now'' said the robot, '' good '' said the voice '' please hurry''. 

 He did what he was supposed, fix the city! He started to pick up rubbish, he lifted the  power lines off of  the jagged ground. Day and night past and the robot was finished cleaning city. The people thanked to robot for his help! 

''And now''  said  grandpa  ''the robot is called number 28 because he had a number 28 on his arm and that is what his commander called him! The end"  ''wow'' Said the grandpa''can us the story again please!'' ''Ok but only on more time'' Said grandpa ''so''.

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